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Friday, November 4, 2011

The Cruising Gods Must Be Punishing Me ...

... for having such a good time last Tuesday night.

I went to the same book store tonight only to find that they'd blocked off one of the rows and one of the aisles with plyboard -- basically cutting the whole space down by 1/3. I'm not good at describing spatial relationships, so I'll draw pictures instead. Here's what the space used to look like:

Here's what the space looks like now:

With the old layout, there was just more circulation and tactical maneuverability. Somebody could come in and you could double around and catch him coming the other way, instead of following his ass like the desperate old queens do. And so on. With the new layout, cruisers get stuck in the dead ends and collect along the walls, standing in front of the booth doors giggling with each other and gossiping. I find this kind of atmosphere kills the sexy-- it makes me irritable, for one thing, and it also scares off the "straight" guys I like, because the space they're entering just feels too, well, frankly, nellie, when you've got a bunch of cackling queens in a knitting circle. The guys I'm after don't like to be reminded that they're here for, you know, the gay. The only way to get a guy, even if he did run the gauntlet, is if he happened to go into the booth directly beside where you chose to stand -- there's no chasing around corners or out-smarting the followers, with this layout. It's more luck-of-the-draw.

I don't like it.

I left after five minutes.

Hopefully they're doing something interesting with that blocked-off space, though (that it has its own door -- the one that used to be the exit -- is intriguing). 


  1. just read ur post at SDSTW and came to check out ur blog... just cruising through and u seem to have mind set similar to mine.. this post proves it.. the have done the same thing here in Cedar Rapids, IA at both of our ABSs.. i am PISSED!... the north store had completely stripped ALL THE GLORYHOLES (for re-construction) and all thats left are booths which 99% of the straight guys DONT GO TO! sometimes u get lucky but not NEARLY as often as the gloryholes! this "reconstruction" has been underway for 3 months now and VERY LITTLE has been its nothing but a QUEENS GATHERING! the SOUTH store had a basement level with multiple gloryholes and the straight guys would come by the dozens to sneak a load into a waiting mouth but again reconstruction closed off the basement and now we are left with two ..count em one .. two.. booths in a very narrow hallway on the main floor! you definitly need to stay on guard and be ready to spring into action the minute a straight cock wonders into the back. and on top of that they have changed the south store from 24hrs to 8am-mid.. I HATE IT because the south store has been a MECCA for me.. especially after midnight because it is sandwiched between 2 strip clubs about a half mile up the road on either side!.. ahhh the glory days! nevertheless.. i still get my share.. but supply has definitly depleted! :(

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, and totally understand/agree with your plight.

    Always good to talk to and share experiences with another cocksucker online. What's funny is that if we were both cruising the same place at the same time, you and I would probably get in each other's way and hate each other! Good thing there's a lot of distance between us!
